As part of the ‘Lights in the Dark’ exhibition at Slack Space Colchester I exhibited ‘Spark Shower’, a development of an individual element of my 2013 masters project ‘Mirrornoise’. It was a positive experience not least being the first time I have exhibited an interactive work in Colchester where I am based. Slack Space is a very supportive organisation despite the meagre resources they have to hand and I commend them for giving artists such as myself an opportunity to show new work.
I tried something a little different from previous shows with the sound design cycling through a series of rhythmic sequences interspersed with periods of rest, all superimposed upon responsive sound elements such as spark noises. Each time a new rhythmic sequence began, a visual change occurred such as change of spark colour. Although pretty simple at heart, the transformative apect of this approach seemed to work.
Here is a excerpt of video shot of the screen during the private view.